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Grades 6-12 Arctic Academy Lessons

Grades 6-12 Arctic Academy Lessons




What is Arctic Academy & Beyond?

  • Arctic Academy & Beyond is designed to allow students to continue to learn while at home when there is an unscheduled school cancellation. 
  • Not every unscheduled school cancellation will be used as an Arctic Academy & Beyond day.  Only days in which it is not possible for students to attend, but deemed safe enough for staff to report will be utilized as an Arctic Academy & Beyond day. 
  • On an Arctic Academy & Beyond day, students in grades 6-12 will complete assignments designed by Monongalia County educators that have been preloaded to their student Chromebooks.  These assignments do not require internet for completion.

How will I know if it is an Arctic Academy & Beyond day?

  • A School Messenger call will indicate that the day will be used for Arctic Academy & Beyond.
  • The county webpage will also indicate that the day will be used for Arctic Academy & Beyond.

What are students in grades 6-12 expected to do on an Arctic Academy & Beyond day?

  • Students in grades 6-12 are expected to complete assignments for every class in which he/she is enrolled for that term.  Each teacher has provided an activity requiring students to work for approximately 20 minutes per class period (block scheduled classes may require longer).
  • Teachers have provided assignments requiring students to apply skills that they have already learned (no new material will be taught on an Arctic Academy & Beyond day).
  • Students are expected to turn in all work following an Arctic Academy & Beyond day.  Any assignments turned in after 5 days will be marked as missing and will count as an absence.

Please note:  teachers have shared five days of lessons.  Students only need to do one lesson per class on each Arctic Academy & Beyond day.  (For example:  on the first Arctic Academy & Beyond day, students should complete Lesson 1 for each class.  On the second Arctic Academy & Beyond day, students should complete Lesson 2 for each class, and so on.)

How will students access their Arctic Academy & Beyond activities?

  • During the school day, students in grades 6-12 will be encouraged to download Arctic Academy & Beyond lessons to an offline folder on their school-issued Chromebook.
  •  Prior to being downloaded, Arctic Academy & Beyond lessons will be distributed through Schoology and/or Google Classroom.  Each teacher will select the method of distribution that works best for him/her.  For more information, regarding a specific school or class, please visit the school’s webpage and/or the class Engrade page. 

What if a student does not have internet access at home?

  • Students will be prompted to download Arctic Academy & Beyond activities to an offline folder on their Chromebook for each class during the school day.
  • To access these activities, students can navigate to the offline folder on their Chromebook.


What if a student did not bring his/her Chromebook home?    

  • Students with internet access can access their Google files from any device through a Chrome browser.  Students can login to the Chrome browser with their Google account (student number followed by and their Google password.  Once logged in, students can navigate to Google Drive ( to access all of their files, including their saved Arctic Academy assignments.
  • All Arctic Academy assignments must be turned in 2 days upon returning to school.

What if a student needs help completing their Arctic Academy & Beyond assignments?

  •  On an Arctic Academy & Beyond day, teachers will report to school and will respond to emails, Schoology messages, or Google Classroom requests to provide support for students during school hours.
  •  Due to the teachers’ Arctic Academy schedule, it may not be possible for immediate contact.  To ensure contact, students should email or message teachers through Schoology.
  •  If a student does not have internet access on an Arctic Academy & Beyond day, he/she may call the school to request assistance from a teacher.  Due to the limited number of phone lines into each building, only students unable to contact teachers through email, Schoology, or Google Classroom should utilize this method of contact. 

How will students’ attendance be affected by an Arctic Academy & Beyond day? 

  • Attendance will be based upon the completion of Arctic Academy & Beyond assignments.  Monongalia County Schools recognizes the importance of the home and school connection and strongly encourages parents to become aware of and support Arctic Academy & Beyond curriculum.  This support is an essential ingredient of a student’s success.